The Programme

Your pathway to becoming a digital healthcare innovator

A unique 10-month postgraduate fellowship that gives you the opportunity to identify and solve real healthcare problems using digital technology.The DigiBio programme delivers hands-on training in needs-led innovation based on a tried-and-trusted needs-led innovation methodology developed by Stanford University. The programme combines design thinking with entrepreneurship and maps a route to market in the highly regulated healthtech sector. You will identify real-world healthcare needs, invent novel technologies in response to those needs and test your business case in a clinical environment.

Programme Overview

  • A 10 months full-time postgraduate programme (NQF Level 9)
  • Annual intake of 12 fellows formed into 3 multidisciplinary teams
  • 8 weeks immersion in a healthcare environment identifying and assessing needs
  • Mentorship by clinical, industry, investment, regulatory and technology experts

Hosted and managed by DkIT with core partner RCSI managing the clinical training and clinical immersive environment access, with additional partners DCU, Trinity College Dublin and Tyndall National Institute providing additional immersive access, technical training and mentorship.

DigiBio Bootcamp
Clincal Immersion
Needs Filtering & Refinement
Concept Generation & Filtering
Commercial Strategy Development
Implementation & Business Plan Development

Clinical Immersion

Getting the opportunity to observe patients and shadow practitioners in a clinical setting is one of the factors that makes the Fellowship so valuable.

Each team will be placed in an appropriate clinical environment for an immersive and dynamic 8-week period where they will have a rare opportunity to scan needs and observe the patient environment. The placements are managed by our partners the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland (RCSI) Dublin and supported by a dedicated DigiBio clinical immersion programme manager. Designated Clinical Champions will provide and facilitate training and mentorship so that each team gets the most out of this crucial phase in the innovation methodology.

Startup Technology template image

Programme supports

  • €38k tax-free scholarship
  • Academic fees are fully funded
  • Funding for national and international travel
  • Working space at DkIT and RCSI
  • The support of a dedicated programme team

Apply Now

Post Programme Opportunities

Thanks to the programme you will have significantly increased your knowledge, skills and network. The opportunities are boundless!

As an alumni of the DigiBio programme, you will benefit from post-programme support and engagement with the programme team and your fellow alumni.

It is expected that over a third of the fellows from the DigiBio Healthtech Innovation Fellowship will start companies and commercialise the solutions created during the programme.

Become a digital health entrepreneur: form a high-potential start-up (HPSU) to pursue the solution you’ve identified in the programme or join a HPSU in the digital health space

Get a new role, applying what you’ve learned and experienced

Become a specialist in innovation management

Start or lead innovation projects in a university, university spin-out or in the health innovation ecosystem

Start a research project

Our Strategic Goals

The DigiBio Healthtech InnovationProgramme aims to


Drive a sustainable increase in technology-focused entrepreneurial activity at a national and regional level by providing high-calibre fellows with access to structured, sector-specific innovation training programmes.


Increase the number and quality of High-Potential Start Ups (HPSUs) via the creation of subsequent enterprises by programme alumni


Create a pipeline of innovation leaders and future product champions within the digital healthcare sector